学习视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1gf4y1r79E go安装
go源码包一般解压到/usr/local/linux下go的环境变量配置: export GOROOT/usr/local/go # 源码包export GOPATH$HOME/go # 工作路径export PATH P A T H : PATH: PATH:GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/…
To do a good job, one must first sharpen their tools. 091 sys092 os093 json094 re邮箱地址手机号身份证号数字(整数和浮点数)匹配科学计数法汉字大、小写字母年月日095 itertools096 datetime097 math098 random099 collectionsCounterdequedefaultdictOrderedDictnamed…
纽扣电池 button cell 运动手环 sports wristband 智能手环 smart bracelet 皮卡丘夜灯 pikachu night lamp 数字显示充电器 Charger with a digital display 磁吸无线充 magnetic wireless charger 直流电机调速器 DC motor speed controller 继电器模块 relay module 锂离子电…